The Family

Daniel –

I was born in Romania and came over to the United States when I was seven years old. On occasion on my blog I’ll write some of my history (though I haven’t done it in some time, I do intend on continuing it). I came to the United States on July 4, 1982 with my mom and my sister. We lived in Houston for a couple of years with our father (who had escaped Romania earlier). We moved to California, where I grew up and went to high school. In California, my mom divorced my dad over his abusive nature, we joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I got my calling to serve a mission in Romania for the LDS Church. Just a month before the mission, we moved to Utah. I got my bachelor’s in International Politics from BYU in 2001, a masters in Library Science from Simmons College in 2005, and am currently working as a professional librarian in Pennsylvania. Life is grand and I am very happy. I married Jaime last year in New York City, in the Manhattan Temple, and our baby, Ava Simone, was born in May, just seven weeks ago! I still keep up on politics on another blog called The Good Democrat. Jesus Christ is my Savior and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His church. The Book of Mormon is true and will help one get closer to God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is an anchor in this turbulent day when the winds of the world blow in all directions at once. How wonderful it is to have the simplicity of the Gospel as your guide!

Jaime and Ava

I’m me. Graphic designer extraordinaire, urban master teacher of social studies, adjunct professor, and now most importantly– Mom. I tried to do the farm life, but that just wasn’t me. I’m a city dweller through and through, so we’re back in NYC, while I pursue the principalship. Hopefully I’ll be the principal of a new secondary school that I created. We’ll see what happens.

I try to live by the quote,
“Work like you don’t need money,
Love like you’ve never been hurt,
And dance like no one’s watching.”

I’d hope that my actions are in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as He is the most important influence in my life today. My husband and I are strengthened and brought closer together through our devotion to His gospel. I know that He died for our sins so that we may live again in a much better afterlife. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon is the story of Christ visiting the people of the American continent. I know that as I follow these teachings I am a better person than I ever thought I could be. And I hope that I can bring others to the same happiness I have.

Ava Simone –

I’m going to let daddy write this for me until I can actually type. I was born in May, 2006 in Pennsylvania to loving parents who care very much for me. I haven’t shown my dispositions yet towards any talents or fields of study (I’m still just twenty months as of this update!), but I love listening to music and watching Elmo. I look really cute in the clothing bought as gifts from all of daddy’s and mommy’s friends and thank them immensely for them. I’m learning all these words from Mommy and Daddy. Pretty soon my typing will make sense. Bye!

I can now walk, run, and ride my tricycle around the house and the neighborhood. I am really good at putting things away and keeping things clean, but when I want to make a mess– Look out!

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

6 Responses to The Family

  1. Robert A Cobb says:

    I am VERY proud of both my daughters, but for the moment I will discuss the eldest Jaime. She was a wonderful child who although was sometimes “trying” to my patience, she was always essentially good. She has chosen her path in life at various junctions and followed through with positive actions. I am very happy to see her bond with her family and her sister’s family. I always tried to teach her the importance of family and I guess she learned that lesson well. Jaime and Jessica are different in many ways but they will always share a close bond of sisterhood and remember the family. I love them both very much.

  2. Lance says:

    I am considering joining the LDS church and one of the reasons I am hesitant to do so regards the importance placed on going on a mission. Due to my scholarship which requires me to finish all four years consecutively and my family situation I do not think I will be able to go on a mission. Will this decision a) place a stigma upon me in the LDS Church, b) make it harder for me to get married, c) be looked at for Church positions, and d) make me a pariah in the LDS community becuase I have not taken part in this “rite of passage”? Email me if you can think you can help. Thank you.

  3. Daniel says:


    Thank you for your comment. I’ll try to answer your question as best as I can, but I think the answer that is best for you personally is only one that you can get from Heavenly Father through prayer. You serve a mission for Him not for the church. Many missionaries only learn this once on their missions. Some don’t learn that lesson at all, and go home grumpy.

    Your decision to go on a mission or not will not place a stigma on you within the church, because as a convert and one already deeply involved in scholarship, you have your life ahead of you that you need to prepare for.

    As far as marriage is concerned, trust me, you do not want to marry any LDS girl that is bothered that you didn’t go on a mission. She will be holding you to such a high standard that at the end of it all you will never attain. Stay away from those kinds of girls.

    Whether or not you go on a mission has no real bearing on church callings.

    You will not be a pariah in the LDS community for not going on a mission.

    Finally, you don’t have to go on an actual mission to do missionary work. My brother in law is the ward mission leader. He was just baptized a year and a half ago. He is married so he won’t be going on a mission anytime soon, but he does missionary work within his ward.

    But as I said at first, the only answer that is best for you personally is the one Heavenly Father gives you when you kneel in prayer.

    I hope these answers are helpful for you. Ponder well the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will change your life for the better.

  4. Cricket says:

    I am a returned missionary, as is my husband.
    We have taught our sons that they serve a mission because they have a testimony of the restored gospel, not because Dad and Mom are expecting it. We have told them what missions entail with regard to study, proselyting, commitment and obedience. We have told them no one makes them get up at 6:00 am, or learn the language, discussions or concepts.

    We have one son who is no longer with us in this life. He is serving his mission in the spirit world. Our second son didn’t want to go, and we didn’t push it or talk to him about his decision
    until he was ready. He was 11 years old at the time, which is a bit young, don’t you think?

    Now he is 15. He wants to serve, and is attending early morning seminary, studying his scriptures diligently and making lots of friends.

    Oh, where did I serve? Heh. Pennsylvania Harrisburg; 1982-1984.

    Long long time ago.

  5. Krista says:

    Dear Lance! I assure you that there are many men in the church who have not served missions and they are amazing men! The lack of serving a mission will not place a stigma on you or make it more difficult for you to get married! There may be small-minded individuals who may act that way, but it wouldn’t be very Christlike of them and you can find someone else would see you for who you are and the amazing (intelligent, educated, spiritual) person I am sure you are! One of my favorite sayings growing up was “The church is a hosptial for sinners, not a museum for saints.” Be prepared if such comments are made about you not serving a mission, but know it is the imperfect people and not the Savior who would have problems with it. If you did decide to finish college and serve a mission, that would be fine too and I know people who have done that, or if you decided to settle down with some amazing young lady right now and no serve a mission that would be fantastic as well. I agree with Daniel that serving a mission is between you and the Lord! If you need to use that scholarship, then do! There is something attractive to women about an educated man 😉
    I understand your family may have difficulties if you decide to join the church. Sometimes you have to make decisions based upon what will help your family to better accept your choices (in your case joining the church). I, too, had a scholarship AND knew my mom didn’t like the idea of me going on a mission. So, I graduated from college, used my scholarship, and then went on a mission and my mom didn’t have any reason at all to protest my decision to go on a mission. Then when she saw the amazing things that happened as a result of my mission, she supported me after all in being out in the field. If you finish school and then go on a mission and your family sees the blessings coming into their lives (or your own) from serving, they will perhaps soften towards the church and your decision to serve (a lot of blessings come from serving!) And from what I said originally, if the Lord tells you that it’s time to finish college, get married, or whatever, then there will be blessings from that as well! 😉

  6. Daniel says:

    Thanks for your comment, Krista.

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